Lean on We feature, Caleb, DIS participant and family.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit) and video interview. 

Caleb’s story also became a feature of Life Remodele’s year-end giving campaign in 2022. 

Lean on We feature – Caleb

Caleb feature video

Lean on We feature, Don Moore, executive Director of Better Men Outreach Program.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit), video interview and article: https://liferemodeled.org/don-moore/


Lean on We feature, Don Moore

Lean on We feature, Ke’Von, DIS Particiapant.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit), video interview and article: https://liferemodeled.org/kevon/


Don featured video

Lean on We feature, Ke’Von

Ke’Von featured video

Lean on We feature, Jake Wlliams, DIS Maintenence Supervisor.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit), video interview and article: https://liferemodeled.org/jake-williams/


Lean on We feature, Jake Williams

Jake featured video

Lean on We feature, Al McCarver, DIS Maintenence Technician.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit), video interview and article: https://liferemodeled.org/al-mccarver/


Lean on We feature, Al McCarver

Al featured video

Lean on We feature, Ted Everingham, Retired Attorney and Volunteer.

Feature includes individual photoshoot, group photoshoot, billboard (art ran for three months in metro-Detroit), video interview and article: https://liferemodeled.org/ted-everingham/

Lean on We feature, Ted Everingham
